February 2003
interview by Ian C Stewart
In the last thirty years, Bob Daisley has played bass with a bewildering assortment of bands and artists including Mungo Jerry, Uriah Heep, Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow, Ozzy Osbourne, Gary Moore, Black Sabbath, and Yngwie Malmsteen. Though he's known as a bassist, he's also cowritten many of the best-known songs in the Ozzy Osbourne catalog.
What made you decide to start making music of your own?
By the time I was about 14/15 I knew that music was all I wanted to do. I had turned pro by the age of 17.
How was it being in Rainbow with two artists (Ronnie Dio and Ritchie Blackmore) who are semi-notorious for being "difficult"?
I was unaware of Ronnie's reputation for being difficult, Ritchie's is widely known of course. I regarded my stay in Rainbow as an opportunity and a stepping-stone and tried to avoid "rocking the boat". It always seemed like a hierarchy, with Ritchie at the top and Ronnie below him most of the time except for when Cozy was more "in favour" at times - I was always 4th in line and David Stone at the bottom. After all, Ritchie and Ronnie had started the band and were well known. Rainbow was a great time for me, I never really had any any fall-outs with anybody and enjoyed most of it while it lasted.
Did you know going into it that the Blizzard Of Ozz was going to be huge?
Nobody really did, least of all Ozzy who was worried about his career after being booted out of Sabbath. I remember saying to him on one occasion that I just "knew" that it was going to be successful but I had no idea HOW successful.
It seems like Randy Rhoads has been on more magazine covers in the last 20 years than he ever was when he was alive. What's your take on that?
Well, he deserves to be as he was becoming a legend while he was alive. He was a part of two of the most enduring rock albums of all time, as we all were/are but I guess when someone dies and there is no more of their talent available, they become bigger heroes than maybe they would have been had they lived. It's always difficult to judge something like that but "Long Live Randy Rhoads".
And how is the legal case against the Osbournes going?
We (Lee Kerslake and I) and the lawyers are still confident that we can win through in the end. It's been a hard slog but we will go the full 12 rounds if necessary. It's been over 5 years so far but hopefully it's nearing it's end. We have had a few set-backs but we're only after what's rightfully ours, - our royalties and credits.
You've written or cowritten some of THE classic songs and riffs of all time - where does it come from?
I think being in the company of other writers that you can inspire and be inspired by and have a good writing rapport with. I also think that what ever you listen to and are influenced by, must come out eventually too, so it's a good idea to listen to a wide and varied range of music.
What music are you doing now?
The Hoochie Coochie Men was the last thing I did which is a blues album that I did here in Australia with some old friends of mine. Check it out on my website - everyone seems to like it that's heard it.
What's your favorite place to play live?
Probably the U.S. but I've had so many good times in so many places, it's hard to pin-point one. By good times I mean appreciative audiences and people accepting and appreciating your music - among other things of course!
What's the biggest audience you've played to?
400,000 at the ' 83 US Festival with Ozzy (San Bernadino) and Rock-in-Rio in ' 85 also with Ozzy - about 300,000.
Have you thought about doing your own solo album?
I've thought about it but never got too serious about it - maybe when this law suit is over I'll give it more serious thought.
Who else are you interested in working with?
I would love to work with Jeff Beck - he's one of my all time favourite guitarists, whether it'll ever happen though, is another thing.
What current music people are you interested in?
Lots, it varies, Kula Shaker I think are good and Ravi Shankar's daughter (sorry, ' can't remember her name) I love indian music and instruments and almost anything blues.
How has the internet affected you?
It's helped to get the truth about a lot of things into the public arena and in so doing relieved some of my frustration regarding certain matters. It can be very helpful with spreading the word and letting people know the truth in answers to their questions.
Have you ever considered writing an autobiography?
Yes I have and it may materialise, hopefully in the not-too-distant future. Keep an eye on the website for news and developments.
What's next for you, musically speaking?
There is something in the pipeline that I can't really talk about at present as it's only speculation at the moment but it will be interesting if it comes about. Again, keep an eye on the site.
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