May 2003
interview by Ian C Stewart
Who does what in the band?
Sami Aarnio - Vocals, lyrics
Georg Laakso - Guitar, main composer/arranger
Tino Ahola - Guitar
Antti Ventola - Synths, composer/arranger
Kimmo Miettinen - Drums
Nina Laakso - Female vocals
Where and when did the band form?
Cadacross was fouded in 1997 in Hämeenlinna.
Where did the band's name come from?
Sami: Our former drummer Janne Salo came up with the name when he was as drunk as a man can be.
I think his basic idea was to combine words cadaver and cross. In those days guys were huge carcass-fans so the similarity with the names also explains it. For me it stands for ”Cross of Death” or something like that.
Georg: When I aproved this name I liked it because it is easy to pronounce and it is unique.
Are you active in your local music scene?
Sami: From time to time yes. We have organized the Stormbringer ”metalnight” three times between years 1999-2002 in our hometown, Hämeenlinna. I took part in two and Georg in all three. There has been a whole lot of great bands performing such as Moonsorrow, Thyrane, Ensiferum, Finntroll, Cryhavoc, Throne of Chaos, Thy Serpent, Turisas, Behexen, Kaliban, Forsaken and of course Cadacross I think there is more to come though for the times are dark…
In case if you ment like do I play/growl or do whatever in any other band : I have few project-bands but the material for them is yet under very heavy construction.
Georg: I am chairman in this Stormbringer organization and second I have this ”Steeltrack Studio” where I have recorded many local bands and of course part of our own albums. I also play in Turisas which is another great band from Hämeenlinna.
How do your songs come to be?
I’m usually just roll ideas in my hear over and over when I have great idea I grap my guitar or Keyboards and try to make my ideas to music. Earlier I wrote parts to guitar and then I tried to glue them together and add some melodies. I noticed that it wont work for me anymore the music I came up with was more like a puzzle than whole song…part after part etc…
Who are your five biggest musical influences and why?
Georg: My all time favourite band is The Kovenant and especially their ”Nexus Polaris” album. I think that is simply the best album ever unique sounds cathcy melodies great producing, skillfull playin what else goo album needs. Another great band is arcturus they have lots of same element with The kovenant.
Sami:Tricky question indeed for there are quite many bands I’ve favoured but which are
the most important in overall is hard to say but I’ll try.
Gary Moore - This goes back to the early days when I was not really a music listener at all minus the TV-music chart shows which were actually quite poor. I found a cassette with nothing written on it and I desided to listen a bit,
Over the hills and far away…and you know the rest is history. I did not know what it was but I did not care either, later on a friend told me the artist and the album’s title(Wild Frontier) and that’s how I found a way to the wonderful world of music.
Kreator - great tunes, as simple as that.
In flames & At the gates - Goes hand in hand for me, melodic and rough just the way I like it. If you listen to my vocaling that really tells it all.
Pantera - It’s all about the attidute.
Old man’s child – especially Pagan Prosperity. Skilfull combination of heavy- and blackmetal.
One of the best albums ever.
Other bands worth mentioning are: Amorphis, Sepultura, Paradise lost, Death, Metallica and Helloween
What's the biggest show you've played so far?
Sami: Stormbringer 2002, there was from 500 to 600 metalheads partying on.
I’m not really happy about the presen gig-situation, we played to gigs last year.
We should play gigs more often just to stay in a good shape , I mean it is hard
to go on stage after a long while. You lose your touch or something.
Georg: we played open-air gig in our hometown in july –99 and this was time before sami did join a band.
There was lot’s of people and what was the best part there was young people allover Europe and that’s why I think that it has been our biggest show ever.
Any amusing band-related anecdotes you'd like to share with the world?
True stories only please.
Sami:Well we have these jokes about 200 angry Sami Aarnios, conspiracy theorys and great Dragons flying in the sky and of course the urban-Tarzan legends and shit like that. The problem is that they are a bit like inside-jokes and might be hard for others to get.
Georg: actually it was 100 angry sami aarnios but anyhow…
What's next for the band?
Sami: Few gigs would be great, twenty even better but it remains to be seen how things will work out for us.
We’ve started composing material for the third CC-album and it seems we are going to studio later this year, maybe in October.
Georg: Sami forgot to mention our video but I think that It will be release same time as our next album.
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