February 2003
interview Ian C Stewart
Mark Ritchie is Scotland's answer to Mark Eitzel - a prolific troubador with a penchant for lilting acoustic-guitar ballads that bring a tear to the eye of anyone who's ever had a broken heart. Whether doling out the sorrow as a solo artist or with Paul Doucet in Shy Rights Movement, Ritchie's got a song for you. Probably a new one that he wrote last night.
Who does what in Shy Rights Movement?
I write most of the songs and also sing and play guitar. Paul Doucet plays
guitar and bass, sings the occasional backing vocal, produces and programmes
the drum machine. Sometimes we write songs together – he’ll do the music and
I’ll come up with some words.
Where did the name come from?
It’s from a Garrison Keillor short story – about shy people starting a
protest movement. I loved the idea and the name and thought it was apt, but
I really don’t like Garrison Keillor’s work very much at all.
When did the band form?
Initially, in January 1995. We used to be a four piece, but half the band
quit in ’99 and then I kind of fired the one remaining member, but he wasn’t
really interested in the band anymore anyway. So I’m the only original
member left.
How do your songs come to be?
I write about what happens to me and the people in my life. Songs come at me
all the time - it’s just a matter of documenting them and not letting them
get away. I write lyrics constantly and put them to music later, when I have
a quiet moment with a guitar.
Mark - what are all the names of all your projects?
Shy Rights Movement and my solo stuff are the only two ongoing now. The solo
stuff used to go under the name Frank Peck but now I just use my real name.
And how many releases do you have out?
There are 5 SRM tapes – Songs from the Smalltime, Live and Dead, Vanity
Recordings, the Happiness Project and Reward Time. One 7 inch single too.
Also, countless tracks on various CD and cassette compilations from various
Solo stuff - 14 Frank Peck tapes and 2 under my own name. I’ve had other
tapes out on other folks labels too. There’s a 2 CD thing coming out soon
from Seagull Tapes in Omaha, Nebraska.
How many songs have you written so far?
That’s impossible to say. I’ve written so many, I couldn’t even put a rough
number on it. Hundreds.
When did you start writing songs?
When I was about 6 or 7, I’d make up songs and sing them into a tape
recorder. I couldn’t play an instrument or anything. I just liked making
things up. Not just songs – I’d draw and write too (most kids do, right?) I
started playing keyboard when I was a bit older and then got a guitar and
started a band when I was 15.
Have you always written a lot?
Yes, because it’s an endlessly fascinating process for me. If you keep
writing, there’s always the possibility that you might come up with
something really amazing. It’s that search for the perfect song that drives
me to write so much stuff.
What about quality control?
Most of the things I write are never heard by anyone. It’s actually a good
thing to write so much, because it means that the songs you keep are usually
of a better standard. It means I can choose the songs which I think are the
best and don’t have to fall back on weaker ones to fill out a tape.
Who are your five biggest musical influences and why?
1. The Beatles. Obvious choice, but they really are hard to beat, and were
one of the first bands I really loved as a kid.
2. The Smiths. They were the big band for me when I was a moody teenager.
3. Husker Du. The guitar sound itself still makes me shiver to this day.
4. American Music Club. Well, you’d expect me to say this. An incredible
5. Nick Drake. In a way, my main influence, because his guitar style is one
which I’ve been trying to copy for years!
The thing that all of the people above have in common is great songwriting
and that’s what influences me the most.
What's next for the band?
We’re recording a song for a forthcoming Daniel Johnston tribute CD and also
some songs for a new tape.
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